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Policies and Procedures

Circulation Rules for Students
1. You can check out up to 3 items at a time.
2. Books are due back in 14 days.
3. Late fines for books are 10 cents per day.
4. Playaway audiobooks are due back in 7 days.
5. Late fines for Playaway audiobooks are 25 cents per day.

1. Be Kind!! - to the books, the computers and the other people.
2. Do not distract others who are here to read or work. If your behavior is disruptive, you will be asked to leave.
3. You must have a blue library pass from your teacher to come to the library.



  1. The local school administrator and library media personnel shall inform the complainant of the objectives, criteria and procedures for selection.
  2. If the complainant is not satisfied with this explanation, the school shall request that the complainant submit a formal “Citizen’s Request for Reconsideration of a Book.” Forms may be requested from the Library Supervisor.
  3. Upon receipt of the completed form, the principal shall request a review of the material by a review committee and notify the Library Supervisor and the Supervisor of Instruction that such a review is in process.  The review committee is to be appointed by the principal, with the assistance of the librarian, and will include local school system level librarians, teachers and supervisors as needed.  This committee may include a parent or PTA representative from the school.
  4. The review committee shall read, view, or listen to the material in its entirety; check general acceptance of the material by reading reviews and consulting recommended lists; determine the extent to which the material supports the curriculum; and judge the material for its strength and value as a whole and not in part.
  5. The committee shall present a written review and statement of its decision to the principal to be forwarded to the Library Supervisor who will communicate the decision to the Supervisor of Instruction.  The Library Supervisor will inform the principal of the final decision.  Complainant will be notified of the action taken.